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Five tried-and-tested strategies for beating copywriter's block

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Experiencing a copywriting stalemate can be daunting, whether you're stuck staring at a blank page, struggling to continue a piece, or at a loss for words. While it may not seem like it during these moments, there are several straightforward strategies to navigate these creative obstacles.

Beth Preston, Copywriter

Trust in your ability to write, recognize that sometimes words might not flow effortlessly, and consider implementing one or more of these effective methods.

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Let’s dive in…

1. Just start writing

The act of writing, anything at all, can kickstart your creativity. Write down your thoughts as they come, in as natural a manner as you think them. This initial draft might be rough and unpolished, but it moves you past the intimidation of the blank page. Later, you can refine these thoughts into polished prose. This approach was precisely how I began this article, transforming a bland start into the engaging introduction you're reading now!

2. Read more, and know your shit!

Dive into a wide array of reading materials, from novels to news headlines, from insightful tweets to transformative books. Observing how others articulate their messages not only sparks creativity but provides you with various perspectives and styles that might just be the perfect twist your writing needs. The more expansive your knowledge and reading, the easier and more effectively you'll be able to craft your content.

Here are five essential books that can greatly enhance your copywriting skills:

  1. “Ogilvy on Advertising” by David Ogilvy

    Learn from the master of advertising himself, David Ogilvy, who provides a behind-the-scenes exploration of iconic campaigns and fundamental advertising strategies.

  2. “Made to Stick” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

    Discover why some ideas make a lasting impact while others fade away, gaining crucial insights into creating compelling and memorable content.

  3. “The Boron Letters” by Gary Halbert

    Delve into the personal letters of Gary Halbert, where he imparts valuable lessons on direct marketing and copywriting from his extensive experience.

  4. “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin

    Grasp the essence of modern marketing as Seth Godin teaches how to genuinely connect with audiences and stand out in the digital age.

  5. “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” by Gary Vaynerchuk

    Master the art of social media by learning strategic approaches to deliver value consistently, an essential skill for thriving in today's digital marketing landscapes.

3. Research like a madman and always be on the lookout for new inspo

Prepare thoroughly by immersing yourself in the subject matter early on, filling your mind with relevant facts, theories, and data. This deep dive not only prepares you for the task but allows your subconscious to begin connecting the dots in innovative ways. Simultaneously, cultivate a habit of collecting various inspiring materials, such as articles, images, or quotes. Maintain a digital "inspiration file" that you can access when you're up against tight deadlines or need a creative spark. Additionally, don't overlook the power of small or unconventional ideas. Document every thought, no matter how trivial or bizarre it might seem at first. These ideas can be the seeds of groundbreaking concepts, serving as a testament to creativity’s often unconventional nature. Embracing this comprehensive approach to research and ideation will equip you with a robust toolkit for creative problem-solving.

4. Timing is everything

Setting a timer might seem stressful, but it can be an excellent motivator, particularly when facing tight deadlines. Try writing a paragraph in ten minutes or breaking a larger task into timed segments. This method encourages you to write with a sense of urgency, often leading to surprisingly effective passages. The constraint can help sharpen your focus and simplify your language, a crucial skill in copywriting.

5. Let’s get physical

Physical activity, like a walk or a yoga session, can clear your mind and stimulate new ideas. It’s not only a break from the mental strain of writing but also a chance to subconsciously work through creative blocks. Often, the solution to a writing challenge will emerge when you’re not actively trying to solve it.

And there you have it!

These five strategies are just the starting point. Give them a go and see which ones work well with your writing style!

P.S. In case you missed out on our case study “The Costly Mistake Stunting Info Business Growth: You're Setting CPA All Wrong (Here's the Fix)”, you can find it here.

Discover if your current CPA and CPL targets make sense for your business and get the FREE template of the P&L framework introduced in this case study. Apply it to your company to get a quick health check of your funnel.

Remember, you're the commander of your creative ship, and what sails smoothly for you might capsize for someone else. Whether it's meditation or dancing around your kitchen to ABBA in the buff, do whatever it takes to unleash those creative juices!

Best of luck, and enjoy the writing journey…

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Beth Preston, Copywriter

Beth is a rising star on our copywriting team. She always brings her A-game to the table, delivering a fresh perspective and incredible converting copy for our clients.

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