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👁 Keep them watching: 10 proven tactics to avoid the YouTube skip

Let's face it:

When was the last time you actually sat through those short ads at the start of a YouTube video?

If you're like most people, the answer is probably "not in a while." 

According to research, nearly 90% of viewers hit that skip button the moment it's available.

And for those unavoidable ads? 

Beth Preston, Copywriter

Well, viewers are more than willing to go to great lengths to find alternative content just to dodge them.

The truth is, people simply don't like ads. Period.

But if you really want to understand how to beat the dreaded "skip," you’ve got to dive a little deeper.

Trust me, you don't want to miss this!

Want to brainstorm with us on new ways to scale your business with YouTube Ads (and other performance video platforms)?

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Preventing YouTube ads from being skipped is a challenge, but employing the right strategies can significantly increase viewer engagement and reduce skip rates.

Ready to make your ads unskippable? 

Here are my top 10 in-the-know strategies that pack a serious punch…

1) Create engaging content from the start

The first few seconds of your ad are crucial. According to YouTube's analytics, viewers decide whether to skip an ad within the first 5 seconds. Therefore, it's imperative to create a strong hook that captures their attention immediately.

  • Hook viewers quickly: Start with an intriguing question, a bold statement, or an unexpected visual to pique curiosity. For instance, a fitness brand might open with, "What if I told you, you could transform your body in just 30 days?"

  • High-quality production: Invest in good visuals, clear audio, and professional editing. A high-quality ad not only looks more appealing but also instills a sense of credibility and professionalism.

Here’s a prime example by Planet Fitness with 2.2 million USD in ad spend:

2) Understand your audience

Knowing your audience is half the battle. YouTube's targeting options allow you to reach the people who are most likely to be interested in your content.

  • Targeting: Utilize demographics, interests, and behavior targeting to ensure your ad reaches the right audience. For example, if you're advertising a new video game, target younger audiences who are interested in gaming.

  • Personalization: Create personalized ads that speak directly to the needs and interests of your audience. Personalized content is more likely to resonate and keep viewers engaged.

3) Keep it short and sweet

In an era where attention spans are dwindling, brevity is key. Deliver your message concisely and avoid overloading viewers with information.

  • Concise messaging: Aim to convey your message within 15 to 20 seconds. This is especially important for non-skippable ads, where keeping it short ensures viewers stay engaged until the end.

  • Avoid overloading: Focus on a single, clear message. If you have multiple points, consider creating a series of shorter ads rather than one long, convoluted ad.

CeraVe Skincare nailed it with this concise, straight-to-the-point ad for their facial cleanser. The visuals perfectly complement the message, providing just the right amount of information:

4) Incorporate strong visuals and storytelling

Visuals and storytelling are powerful tools in keeping viewers hooked. A well-told story with compelling visuals can evoke emotions and make your ad memorable.

  • Visual appeal: Use high-quality, eye-catching visuals that stand out. Dynamic scenes, vibrant colors, and visually appealing graphics can make a significant difference.

  • Storytelling: Craft a narrative that draws viewers in. Whether it's an emotional story, a humorous skit, or an inspirational message, storytelling can create a connection with your audience.

Nike consistently delivers powerful visuals and compelling storytelling. It's hard to miss the mark when you have a budget like theirs!

Their ads are pure visual art, crafted from start to finish:

5) Use a call to action (CTA)

A strong CTA encourages viewers to take immediate action, which can enhance engagement and reduce skip rates.

  • Engaging CTAs: Use clear and compelling CTAs such as "Learn More," "Shop Now," or "Sign Up Today." Make it easy for viewers to understand what they should do next.

  • Interactive elements: Utilize YouTube’s interactive features like end screens and cards to keep viewers engaged. These elements can guide viewers to additional content or direct them to your website.

VSHRED has been absolutely dominating direct response marketing, consistently nailing their CTAs.

They excel at clearly guiding their audience through each step, from what to do next to completing their quiz. It's no wonder their online marketing efforts are driving such incredible success.

Just take a look for yourself:

6) Test and optimize

Continuous testing and optimization are crucial to improving the effectiveness of your ads.

  • A/B testing: Create multiple versions of your ad and test them to see which performs better. Test different hooks, visuals, messages, and CTAs to determine what resonates most with your audience.

  • Analyze metrics: Use YouTube Analytics to monitor your ad performance. Metrics such as view rates, engagement, and click-through rates can provide insights into what's working and what's not.

7) Leverage influencers

Influencers have built-in audiences who trust their recommendations. Partnering with influencers can increase the authenticity and reach of your ads.

  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers whose followers align with your target audience. Influencers can create content that feels more organic and less like a traditional ad.

  • Authentic content: Allow influencers to deliver your message in their unique style. Authenticity is key in influencer marketing, and forced or scripted content can be off-putting.

8) Use non-skippable ad formats

While skippable ads are the norm, non-skippable ads can be effective for delivering high-impact messages.

  • Non-skippable ads: These ads are typically 15 to 20 seconds long and ensure that your message is seen. Use non-skippable ads for important announcements or time-sensitive promotions.

  • Bumper ads: Utilize 6-second bumper ads that are non-skippable. These short ads can leave a lasting impression without requiring a significant time commitment from viewers.

9) Optimize for mobile

With a significant portion of YouTube’s audience accessing the platform via mobile devices, it’s essential to optimize your ads for mobile viewing.

  • Mobile-friendly content: Ensure your ad looks good on smaller screens. Use larger text, simpler visuals, and clear audio that can be easily understood even without headphones.

  • Vertical videos: Create vertical ads to provide a better viewing experience for mobile users. Vertical videos take advantage of the full screen on mobile devices, making the ad more immersive.

10) Incorporate humor and relatability

Humor and relatability can significantly increase viewer engagement and reduce skip rates.

  • Humorous content: Ads that make viewers laugh are more likely to be watched until the end. Humor can also make your brand more memorable.

  • Relatable scenarios: Show scenarios that your audience can relate to. Ads that reflect viewers' experiences or aspirations can create a stronger connection.

Manscaped always delivers hilarious content that perfectly captures relatable scenarios. Their ads are spot-on from start to finish.

Oh, how I would love to be a fly on the wall during their creative team meetings!

Preventing your YouTube ads from being skipped requires a combination of creativity, strategic targeting, and continuous optimization.

By focusing on engaging content, understanding your audience, keeping your message concise, and leveraging the power of visuals and storytelling, you can create ads that capture and retain viewers' attention.

Remember, the key is to think from the viewer's perspective.

Ask yourself, "Would I watch this ad?" If the answer is yes, you're on the right track.

By implementing these strategies, you can create compelling YouTube ads that not only reach your audience but also leave a lasting impact.

🎯 Inceptly’s top picks:
Essential reading you can't afford to skip

Ready to revolutionize your Google Ads game? 🚀 Discover how our expert Media Buyer, Dejan Bovan, saves time and skyrockets efficiency with the right tools in his arsenal. From project management to precision tracking, Dejan reveals the must-have resources that every media buyer should know. Curious to learn more?

Dive into the full blog post and unlock the secrets to mastering Google Ads!

Curious about what’s shaping the future of YouTube ads? Our Creative Director, Alex Simic, breaks down why 2024 is set to be a game-changer. From the rise of AI to the importance of authentic, human-crafted content, the ad game is evolving fast. Ready to ditch outdated strategies and embrace the latest trends? 

Discover the 8 killer strategies that could transform your YouTube ad performance. Dive in now!

Agency Owners:

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Beth Preston, Copywriter

Beth is a rising star on our copywriting team. She always brings her A-game to the table, delivering a fresh perspective and incredible converting copy for our clients.

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Inceptly: the performance video ad team behind $950M+ in direct response revenue

Inceptly High-Performance YouTube Advertising Agency

Inceptly builds YouTube ad creatives & manages over $5M/month in YouTube ad spend for companies like ClickFunnels, Descript, MindValley, Advanced Bionaturals, Organifi, and many more.

Are you spending over $1K/day on ads and looking to scale your business with YouTube ads?

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